Sunday, March 4, 2007

1st day of work

it is so early i forgot where the 'm' key was...
about to start my first day of "work".
silas, was up at 5 with a tummy ache, then a big poop, and by time it s all dealt with
- not enough time to get back to sleep
so i have showered
and thought i would write fay a quick line
while all are still a sleep

crap, am i tired
it will be a long day
david is snoring n the background...
he ended up sleeping on the couch- by time he came up to bed
cypris had already reentered our bed and silas too.
in our bed are 3 little bodies, all askew
taking up the queen size room
while here i sit
and david snores on the couch.

i have to go find some clothes to wear can do it chris, you can do it!!!
it always takes me a couple weeks to get used to things
off to make 3 cups of coffee

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